Masterpieces in stone - The cathedral sculptures from the perspective of a sculptor

Foto Markus Böhmer
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In the 1990s, Markus Böhmer played a decisive role in setting up the permanent exhibition of the reopened Museum Kleines Klingental. As a sculptor who was closely involved in the process, he gives a first-hand account of the challenges that had to be overcome when presenting the sandstone originals from Basel Minster, some of which weighed several tons. He also provides valuable insights into the work of a sculptor and reports on how historical sandstone sculptures are reproduced true to detail.

Guided tour: Markus Böhmer, sculptor
Price: CHF 10.- /7.-
Unterer Rheinweg 26
+41 61 267 66 25
Paid entry
Rate for holders of the Museums-PASS-Musées only.
On 25 February 2025
Additional informations
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