Repairing the irreparable: art spoliations past and present

Überführung von Kunstschätzen von Monte Cassino / Spoleto nach Rom durch Soldaten der Division "Hermann Göring". Soldaten beim Halten eines Gemäldes von Giovanni Paolo Pannini vor dem "Palazzo Venezia"
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Round table
Interview with Emmanuelle Favier, poet and novelist, member of the editorial board of Apulée magazine, and Muriel de Bastier, researcher for the Mission de recherche et de restitution des biens culturels spoliés entre 1933 et 1945 (French Ministry of Culture). In partnership with Strasbourg-Méditerranée.

Issue 9 of Apulée magazine devotes a chapter to the looting of archaeological treasures, the sacking of museums, the spoliation of works of art and the trafficking of cultural objects. Emmanuelle Favier, who coordinates this dossier, outlines the historical perspectives and examines the issue through the prism of the symbolic, drawing on texts by writers and anthropologists. She raises the question of the restitution of looted works, the difficulties and stakes of this impossible reparation, and traces the paths towards new cultural relations. As historian Bénédicte Savoy asserts in an interview with the magazine, heritage "is not what you own, but what you do with it".

Round Table | Auditorium | Free admission | Reservations required from 7/09/2024
6 place de la République
+ 33 3 88 25 28 00
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 14 November 2024
Thursday: 18:30-
Exhibitions in this museum
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