Roman suburban life in Riegel am Kaiserstuhl

fast kreisrundes Fundstück in Rottönen
This event is available in
Lecture by Lena Regetz M.A., University of Freiburg
Thu, 19.09.2024, 19.00 hrs, Central Fund Archive

Today, Riegel am Kaiserstuhl is more of a small town, but in Roman times it fulfilled an important function as the capital of a civitas (similar to a modern-day district town). This is why not only administrative buildings and temples, but also numerous well-equipped residential buildings can be found here. Four of these buildings from the north-western "suburb" of the ancient bar are the focus of this lecture.

The lecture is part of this year's series of events on archaeology on the Upper Rhine, organized in cooperation with the Rastatt City Museum and the Central Archaeological Archive of the Baden-Württemberg State Archaeological Museum.

Registration is not required. Participation in the event is free of charge.
Please note that the lecture will take place in the Central Archives, Lützowerstraße 10, access via Militärstraße / Leopoldplatz.
Herrenstraße 11
+49 7222 972 84 00
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 19 September 2024
Thursday: 19:00-20:00
Exhibitions in this museum

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