Wednesday matinée: Romanesque and Gothic masterpieces from the collection

Foto Gian Casper Bott
This event is available in
Wednesday, October 1, 2025, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Meeting point: Museum entrance

The Museum Kleines Klingental exhibits red sandstone sculptures from Basel Cathedral dating from around 1200 to the 16th century. The Romanesque period captivates visitors with the succinct clarity of the wheel of fortune figures and the rich motifs of the pillar supports, while the Gothic sculptures are characterized by their monumental spatial presence. The works, which originate from different functional contexts, offer a fascinatingly wide range of animation and emotion, stylistic development and artistic temperaments. Formal elements such as variation and rhythm are discussed as well as specific sculptural aspects such as material composition and surface treatment, patina or fragment, scale and visibility.

Guided tour: Gian Casper Bott, Director Museum Kleines Klingental
Price: CHF 10.- / 5.- for children and young people up to the age of 16
Unterer Rheinweg 26
+41 61 267 66 25
Paid entry
Rate for holders of the Museums-PASS-Musées only.
On 01 October 2025
Additional informations
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