Mortar. Pharmacy with taste

Bronzemörser eines Wundarztes aus Sissach (Familie Vögeli lat. Fogelli) 1689, Pharmaziemuseum Universität Basel
Holzfigur, Mörsernder Mann (Stösser / Stossbube), Pharmaziemuseum Universität Basel
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Whether in the kitchen or in the pharmacy, the mortar was and still is a popular tool. Grinding, crushing, grinding: it can do a lot, and has been doing so for a very long time. In the pharmacy, it was used to make medicines. In the kitchen, it was used to crush ingredients. But the mortar is also a symbol of pharmacy - as a decoration on a coat of arms or as a magnificent anniversary gift.

The special exhibition "Mortars" explores the question of why there are so many different mortars and how they were used. The recipe is often decisive, as whether a stone or bronze mortar is used usually depends on what is to be processed.
Mortars made of bronze or brass were traditionally cast like bells or guns. The exhibition is the first to present the Roth and Weitnauer foundry families, who lived in Basel for a long time and whose craft shaped the Basel area for centuries.
Totengässlein 3
+41 61 207 48 11
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Events in this museum
Apothekerpuppe mit Mörser in der Hand, grüner transparenter Mörser auf dem Hintergrund

What goes into the mortar? We make our own spice mix, look at how mortars were used in the past and learn about the different types of mortars. Age: 8-12 Time: 14:00-16:00 Number of participants ...

Mörser mit Zucker, Nelken, Anis, Mandeln und anderen Dingen auf einem dunklen Holztisch

Arzney-Confect and Apothekerschleck - what was once sold as medicine in the pharmacy is now a sweet treat. In the mortar, you will process cocoa, almonds, sugar and various spices into Diablotins ...

Grafik zur Sonderausstellung, Pharmaziemuseum Universität Basel

Whether in the kitchen or in the pharmacy: the mortar was and is a popular tool. Grinding, crushing, grinding; it can do many things, and has been doing so for a very long time. The special exhibition ...

Apothekerpuppe mit Mörser in der Hand, grüner transparenter Mörser auf dem Hintergrund

What goes into the mortar? We make our own spice mix, look at how mortars were used in the past and learn about the different types of mortars. Age: 8-12 Time: 14:00-16:00 Number of participants ...