Museum in der 'Alten Schule'

Museum in der 'Alten Schule'
History and tradition
Cut, drill, scrape and scratch – nowadays tools are made of steel. Yet this material didn't exist back in the Stone Age and still the people did have fine knifes. The blades were made of flintstone. The name of the local flintstone is ‘Jasper' and was gained by mining. The museum therefore dedicates the exhibition to ‘Jasper', to the life and survival of the people in the Stone Age.

Roman gods, Christian frescos and the Jewish community – religion and belief has dominated the lives of people for hundreds of years. Efringen-Kirchen and the surrounding area are home to many important and influential artists. Selected works and biographies of the artists offer a profound insight.

Measuring: in 1756 every meter of Efringen was measured and noted down. The yardstick used was a rod of 3.66 meters in length. The last existing rod yardstick is presented together with maps and other measuring equipment.

100 years ago, life was tough and people had to work hard for their daily meals. Exhibits of agriculture, selling produce, fishing in theRhineand clothes grant insight into the everyday business of the past.

Wine in general and ‘Gutedel' in particular: wine and winegrowing influenced the region enormously. Yet not only wine makers were dependent on wine, also various other handcrafts such as cooperage. Stores of wood, piled up to the ceiling, and the tools of a cooperage workshop show how the people used to make a wine cask.

Museum in der 'Alten Schule'

Nikolaus-Däublin-Weg 2
Opening hours

Museum closed for an indefinite period
Contact and additional information
+49 7628 82 05

Currently and upcoming