Themed tour: Hibernation

Themenführung Winterschlaf. Siebenschläfer
This event is available in
Are you interested in forest animals, the local amphibian world or the colorful flock of garden birds? Then visit our themed tour "Hibernation".

The tour takes a closer look at various animal strategies: Why do certain birds hibernate in the south? Why do hedgehogs hibernate and why do frogs hibernate? During the tour, you can hear the hedgehog's slowed heartbeat and feel the difference between a deer's summer and winter coat.

The themed tour "Hibernation" takes you through the exhibition "Wild Baselbiet. On the trail of animals and plants".

Duration: approx. 60 min.
Zeughausplatz 28
+41 61 552 59 86
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 05 January 2025
Sunday: 14:00-15:00
On 07 December 2025
Sunday: 14:00-15:00
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