
History and tradition
The most important business in the city and region of Baselused to be the silk ribbon industry. Since the 16th century silk ribbons from Basel were considered as top-notch standard in international fashion. The exhibition focuses on the rise and decline of the silk ribbon industry in the 19th and early 20th century and the consequences for workers and factory owners. Various silk ribbons showcase the beauty of the art and two fully functioning weaving looms complement the exhibition.

47.48512, 7.735471



Zeughausplatz 28
Opening hours
Open all year from
Tuesday - Friday: 9:00-16:00
Saturday - Sunday: 10:00-17:00

Closed on
Contact and additional information
+41 61 552 59 86

Currently and upcoming

Fix it! Vom Glück des Reparierens

Opening of the exhibition at Museum.BL, where you can try your hand at various repair jobs and practise mending objects. Repairing objects makes our everyday lives run more smoothly. And it also gives ...

Fix it! Vom Glück des Reparierens

Immerse yourself in the cultural history of repairing. You will learn how to give objects a second life and take the tools into your own hands - a feeling of happiness guaranteed. Guided tour of the ...

Archäologie Baselland.

The Lausen paper mill is an impressive testimony to the industrial history of the canton of Basel-Landschaft. Since its foundation in the 16th century, the mill has undergone continuous development ...

Multiple dates

A long table awaits you in the museum foyer where you can paint and decorate eggs. Let nature inspire you - you can use eggs from native birds as a template. While the colored eggs dry, you can make a ...

Fix it! Vom Glück des Reparierens

Immerse yourself in the cultural history of repairing. You will learn how to give objects a second life and take the tools into your own hands - a feeling of happiness guaranteed. Guided tour of the ...

Wildes Baselbiet

Who glows, who drums, who smells, who sings? We delve into the world of senses and signals in the animal kingdom and get to know the firefly and its friends. How does the woodpecker lure us in, what ...

Seidenband. Museum.BL

What does the inconspicuous spinning thread of an Asian butterfly have to do with the rise and fall of an entire industry in the Basel region? The silk ribbon industry, which dates back to the 16th ...

Theaterführung im Museum.BL.

Who glows, who drums, who smells, who sings? We delve into the world of senses and signals in the animal kingdom and get to know the firefly and its friends. How does the woodpecker lure us in, what ...

Fix it! Vom Glück des Reparierens

Immerse yourself in the cultural history of repairing. You will learn how to give objects a second life and take the tools into your own hands - a feeling of happiness guaranteed. Guided tour of the ...

Asiatische Tigermücke. Bild: Pie Müller

The native mosquito fauna has gained a prominent new member: the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is an alien and invasive mosquito species. The small, black and white mosquito first appeared ...

Wildes Baselbiet.

It blooms, grows, crawls and flies. And we humans are right in the middle of it all. A journey of discovery to the natural treasures of the Basel region. Guided tour included in museum admission, no ...

Sonderausstellung Fix it! Vom Glück des Reparierens

The exhibition at Museum.BL, where you can immerse yourself in the cultural history of repairing and learn how to give objects a second life - happiness guaranteed. Why do we experience moments of ...

Sonderausstellung Fix it! Museum.BL

The exhibition at Museum.BL, where you can immerse yourself in the cultural history of repairing and learn how to give objects a second life - happiness guaranteed. Why do we experience moments of ...

Silk Ribbon. Capital, Art and Crisis

The silk ribbon industry that originated in the 16th century became the most important employer in the city and region of Basel. Silk ribbons from Basel were de rigueur in international fashion ...

Wild Basel Country. On the Trail of Flora and Fauna

There's a blossoming, growing, crawling and flying - and we humans are in the midst of it. Nature is everywhere. Whether in the service lane or in dead wood - life often seeks out curious paths. The ...