Ágnes Lörincz

Ágnes Lörincz: Spitze 2, 1991, Siebdruck mit Schaumfarbe auf Stoff, entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit László Kiss
Ágnes Lörincz: Das Band, 2024, Acryl auf Leinwand
This exhibition is available in
Condensed time - manual work
Two worlds to lose oneself in - that of art and that of real textiles - are offered to the public in the exhibition as a sensual and intellectual stimulus.
The presentation combines insights into the work of the Berlin painter Ágnes Lörincz, whose most recent works are inspired by the fascination of textile craftsmanship, with treasures from the Transylvanian Museum's extensive textile collection.
What connects the two beyond the common theme is the cultural region of Transylvania, to which both the artist and the many examples of artistic and technical skills belong through their common origins, Szekler and Saxon respectively.
The exhibition sensitizes the viewer's senses in both directions: On the one hand, it draws attention to the interweaving of figurative and abstract-geometric design in the filigree structure of handicrafts of the most diverse kinds from the most diverse periods.
On the other, it draws attention to the mimetic art of Ágnes Lörincz, who uses an unusual serigraph technique to create new levels of representation.
Schloss Horneck 1
Gundelsheim am Neckar
Opening hours
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