Craftsmanship know-how

The German Clock Museum is located in the geographical heart of the Black Forest's clock-making industry. The Museum's 170-year-old collection of Black Forest clocks is the most comprehensive of its...

The Maison Rurale de l'Outre-Forêt is a former farmhouse, now a heritage interpretation center: a lively place to discover Alsatian heritage and its popular arts and traditions. The various...

The building, constructed in 1486 and partially altered in the 19th century, served as the chancellery for the medieval town hall of Hagenau. The folk art collections are housed on the upper stories...

The museum of folk imagery hosts collections and techniques of wishes and mementos that celebrates the landmarks of traditional life ever since the 18th Century. Among the many treasures to be...

Whenever the name Mirecourt is mentioned in France or abroad everybody immediately thinks of the construction of string instruments and their most important representative, the violin. The Museum of...

The Baggage Museum houses the exceptional collection of Marie and Jean-Philippe Rolland in the former Banque de France building. Since April 2016, the Haguenau Luggage Museum, located at 5 rue Saint...

The Wallpaper Museum at Rixheim in the Alsace, certified as a Musée de France, is the only one of its kind in the world. It is one of the technical museums of the southern Alsace and offers the chance...

The Musée Théodore Deck & des Pays du Florival displays the largest public collection of earthenware by Théodore Deck. Born in 1823 in Guebwiller, the ceramisist founded an earthenware factory in...

The Museum der Kulturen Basel ranks among the leading ethnographic museums in Europe. The Museum's world-renowned collection numbers more than 340,000 objects, around 300,000 photos, 400 films and...

The PuK Museum's permanent exhibition is an imaginative first encounter and re-encounter with the history and stories of puppet theater culture in Germany and around the world. Visitors to the museum...

The museum in the castle offers an overview of the history of Gochsheim and the city of Kraichtal, the Counts of Eberstein and the nobility of Kraichgau. Two important exhibitions mark the highlights...

The Seewen Museum of Music Automatons houses one of the world's largest and best-known collections of Swiss cylinder and disc music boxes, clocks and jewellery containing musical mechanisms and other...

The former glass factory of Meisenthal (1711-1969), now a testament to the unusual combination of memory and modernity, invites visitors to discover the magic of a cultural heritage that has been...