European history

The Antikenmuseum Basel houses an outstanding collection of Egyptian, Greek, Italic, Etruscan and Roman works of art. It is the only museum in Switzerland exclusively devoted to ancient art and the...

A unique and original institution in the world of higher education and research, the National and University Library has a triple vocation: as a reference academic library for the Alsace region and...

Banquet hall. Synagogue. Electric store. Place of the history of democracy. Cultural monument of national importance. The Salmen has an eventful history that makes the building unique in Offenburg's...

The Three-Countries Museum, just a few kilometres from Basel, has made the Three Countries Corner its theme. In the permanent exhibition, visitors can view the history and present of this border...

Anchored at the heart of the battlefield, the Verdun Memorial is an important place of history and memory. The museum offers an educational and emotional tour of the Battle of Verdun through the...

Douaumont Fort is the largest structure in the fortress of Verdun. Taken by surprise 4 days after the beginning of the battle of Verdun, it was occupied for 8 months by the German army, which used it...

In 1916, the fort of Vaux was bombarded by nearly 8,000 shells per day. Its garrison resisted and fought heroically before having to surrender due to the exhaustion of its armed forces. It then became...

Located on the east side of the Palatinate Forest, embedded in the picturesque surroundings of the German Wine Route and with a view overlooking the expanse of the Upper Rhine Plain is Hambach Castle...

The Franco-German Historial of the Great War at Hartmannswillerkopf is a historical, memorable and educational institution. It offers a global vision of the First World War by highlighting the...

In the shadow of its stone monuments, the city of Bitche conceals a green setting of light. The war is over! The former esplanade, once dedicated to military culture, is now home to the Garden for...

Im Jahr 1928 lieβ Albert Schweitzer dieses Haus in Günsbach, dem Dorf seiner Jugend bauen, um dort zwischen seinen Reisen nach Gabun wohnen zu können. In Lambarene hatte er ein Spital-dorf gegründet...

Enter Robert Schuman's home, a typical Lorraine residence, acquired in 1926 and restored as it was when he died in 1963. The site consists of a museographical area dedicated to European construction...

The Mémorial Alsace-Moselle, located in Schirmeck, in Alsace, is a cultural site that should be visited by anyone who wants to discover or better understand the particular history of Alsace and the...

The museum established in 1922 in the birth house of the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi is devoted to the presentation of this artist's works - of his sculptures and paintings. Each year a special...

The Gallo-Roman site of Biesheim and Kunheim owes its importance to its privileged location near a compulsory Rhine crossing point. Military occupation is paramount in the 1st and 4th centuries AD...

Archaeological excavations in the Blies valley on the French-German border brought to light a Celtic necropolis , a small town and a Roman villa. The princess' grave (370 BC) with its reconstructed...

As visitors cross the drawbridge into the castle courtyard, they are immersed in the 1,000-year history of Lenzburg Castle. The imposing hilltop fortification was once a count’s residence, then the...

The Transylvanian Museum in Gundelsheim introduces its visitors to the culture and history of the historical region of Transylvania, in today's Romania, located in the Carpathian Arc. As the regional...

Johann Jakob Christoph von Grimmelshausen was not only the mayor of Renchen from 1667 until his death in 1676 but also one of the key figures of modern literature in Germany. In 1668/69 he published...