Museum bar: With skin and hair. Behind the scenes of taxidermy

Tierpräparation. Foto von Adrian Baer
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Taxidermy is an art in itself. Although most people would probably agree with this, hardly anyone knows what is really behind this activity. How is such a preparation made? Why doesn't it stink? Why do you do this at all? And why is it all so expensive in the end? Sabrina Beutler answers these and many more questions in her talk at the museum bar. She provides a unique, comprehensive insight into her professional work as a scientific taxidermist, explains the passion behind it and the fascination of representing the living in the dead and enabling encounters that would otherwise not be possible.

Museum bar with Sabrina Beutler, scientific taxidermist.
Zeughausplatz 28
+41 61 552 59 86
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 05 November 2024
Tuesday: 17:30-18:00
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