Writings, printing and literature

Bibliothèque Humaniste

Discover a host of Renaissance treasures in a museum in the heart of Alsace! Explore the secrets of some truly exceptional books... The Bibliothèque Humaniste takes visitors on a fascinating journey...

Coupole © JPR

A unique and original institution in the world of higher education and research, the National and University Library has a triple vocation: as a reference academic library for the Alsace region and...

Cabinet des Estampes et des Dessins

The Gallery of Prints and Drawings houses almost 150,000 graphic works, including 3,000 drawings, as well as a large collection of engravings. Representative of the tradition of multiplying an image...

Dichter- und Stadtmuseum

The museum of poets and local history in the heart of the old town ofLiestalinvites guests to get to know poets and artists of the region in the three-storey house. Permanent exhibitions offer various...


Alchemy or pact with the devil? The Faust-Museum at Knittlingen: between myth and history Faust - with the sound of this name there is suddenly the link and the association to the devil, Mephisto. But...


Experience the history of printing, writing, and books in the Gutenberg-Museum. The Gutenberg-Museum, which lies opposite the cathedral in the heart of the old part of Mainz, is one of the oldest...

Haus der Graphischen Sammlung
Freiburg im Breisgau

Die Graphischen Sammlungen des Augustinermuseums und des Museums für Neue Kunst haben seit September 2016 ein neues Zuhause: Drei Magazinräume bieten Platz für 90.000 Zeichnungen, Druckgrafiken und...

Hebelhaus Hausen
Hausen im Wiesental

The museum of local history, which was opened in 1960, is now also home to a literature collection and the collection of Johann Peter Hebel whose 250th birthday was celebrated in May 2010. The...

Hermann-Hesse-Museum Calw

In 1990, the city of Calw dedicated a richly decorated museum designed by Volker Michels and designed by Heiko Rogge to its great son Hermann Hesse. The largest permanent exhibition on the poet in...

Hochrhein- und Trompetenmuseum Schloss Schönau
Bad Säckingen

The house offers four permanent collections: the world-renowned Trumpet Museum, the museum of City and Regional History, the Museum of the writer and poet Josef Victor von Scheffel and the Museum for...

Maison Albert Schweitzer

Im Jahr 1928 lieβ Albert Schweitzer dieses Haus in Günsbach, dem Dorf seiner Jugend bauen, um dort zwischen seinen Reisen nach Gabun wohnen zu können. In Lambarene hatte er ein Spital-dorf gegründet...


Philipp Melanchthon (1497 - 1560) is the most famous son of the town of Bretten. He was a humanist, universal scholar, reformer and the closest collaborator of Martin Luther. The Melanchthon House was...

Musée de l'Image

The Musée de l'Image, a unique collection that grants an authentic view of our society. The museum has collected more than 110,000 historical Épinal prints from France and abroad, yet since its...

Musée du Papier Peint

The Wallpaper Museum at Rixheim in the Alsace, certified as a Musée de France, is the only one of its kind in the world. It is one of the technical museums of the southern Alsace and offers the chance...


Visiting this place will allow you to find out about the life of an extraordinary man mainly known for his fight against slavery. No one should ignore his testimony and commitments for the advancement...

Basler Papiermühle

The Basel Paper Mill is located in a house in which paper has been produced for more than 500 years. The mill can be found in the idyllic mill district of St. Alban. In 2011 the museum was renovated...

Aussenansicht_Foto_Stefan Blume

Audio books are still in great demand in these parts of the world. However, where does one find an audio book with which one can go for a walk so that one gets the impression that one is part of the...

Castle Neuenbürg

The museum in the Castle Neuenbürg is a subsidiary of the Baden regional museum in Karlsruhe. The highlight of the exhibition is the presentation of the fairy tale “Heart of Stone” by Wilhelm Hauff...


Johann Jakob Christoph von Grimmelshausen was not only the mayor of Renchen from 1667 until his death in 1676 but also one of the key figures of modern literature in Germany. In 1668/69 he published...