Nature and man

The Museum of Anatomy of the University of Basel was founded in 1824 by Professor Carl Gustav Jung. It serves two purposes: firstly, it is a public museum that explains the structure of the human body...

The Grande Saline was in use for more than 1,200 years, from the 8th century to 1962. Listed to the World Heritage by UNESCO, this site, unique, is also one the most ancient factory in France. Very...

We get the topic of climate protection talking. The KLIMA ARENA is a place of intensive debate about ourselves, our present and, above all, our future. With our exhibition, we want to enter into an...

Exposition Mémoire du Rhin Faites un merveilleux voyage d'exploration du Rhin sauvage en Petite Camargue Alsacienne. Sur 400m², découvrez l'exposition permanente Mémoire du Rhin. Ce fleuve, respecté...

In MiMa you will experience the exciting connection between mineralogy and mathematics, which find their most beautiful intersection in crystallography. The museum displays a unique collection of...

The Musée d'Histoire Naturelle et d'Ethnographie de Colmar was founded in 1859 by a society owning zoological and geological collections and almost 2,000 non-European objects, brought back between...

The Museum im Ritterhaus showcases more than 9,000 exhibits that cover history, heritage, nature and art. The collection does not only mirror the changing interest of the museum but invites you to...

The Museum Natur und Mensch is currently being redesigned to create an entertaining and educational experience for the whole family. “Time” and “Earthly Riches” are already inviting visitors on a...

In the heart of Nancy, a stone's throw from Place Stanislas, the Muséum Aquarium welcomes you to discover animal biodiversity. Visit our two galleries featuring some sixty aquariums for an underwater...

The most important business in the city and region of Baselused to be the silk ribbon industry. Since the 16th century silk ribbons from Basel were considered as top-notch standard in international...

Come and enjoy our various permanent exhibitions: learn more about threatened or extinct species or travel back in time to dinosaurs or mammoths. Get to know more about the formation of the earth and...

Popular in Bern - observed in the whole world. The Natural History Museum Bern was officially founded in 1832. In 1936 it moved into a new building in Bernastrasse deemed an excellent example of the...

This site has several functions: it is a documentation center on storks, environmental education, as well as the headquarters of Pfalzstorch e.V., which takes care of housing and treating sick storks...

Fascination nature – the Scientific Museum of Karlsruhe transforms science into an event for families. Permanent as well as special exhibitions, the vivarium for exotic animals and the wide-ranging...

The Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History has two exhibition buildings, both of which are in Rosenstein park, separated from one another by an approximately 15 minute walk: In the Museum am...

The Wildlife Natural Science Museum is the largest of its kind in the region. Over an exhibition area of 1,400 square metres, visitors can admire animals from over 40 countries. One of the most...